How to build a powerful professional network

Imagine a realm where every connection you make holds the potential to unlock a world of opportunities. Whether you’re aiming to launch your own venture, discover exciting internal projects, or climb the ladder to a promotion, the strength of your network will be your guiding light. But it’s not just about quantity; it’s about cultivating a network that resonates with quality and authenticity.



Target: Leaders, Employees
Audience: Team
Workspace: Online, Offline
Duration: 1 day

In this course you will learn how to:

  • build your network inside and outside of the company that creates value
  • strengthen your existing network 
  • create time for doing these while still doing everything else.

Building Blocks

Recognise how your network can unlock opportunities

In this session, you’ll establish a solid understanding of the fundamental principles that drive successful networking. Explore why networking is crucial for advancing your career and unlocking diverse opportunities. 

Strengthen your existing connections

Nurture and strengthen your current connections, treating your network like a garden that flourishes with care. Develop strategies for long-term networking success through practical exercises.

Network for personal branding

Understand the symbiotic relationship between networking and personal branding. Learn to present yourself authentically, showcase your expertise, and align your professional identity for a positive and memorable impression.

Exploit networking for career advancement in your company

Leverage your network to propel your career advancement. Uncover techniques to access opportunities and seek mentorship for your professional growth and success.

Make a lasting impression on your professional contacts

Learn to pitch your unique value, seek assistance, and connect authentically. Elevate your networking conversations with engaging role-plays and targeted communication exercises, leaving a lasting impression on your professional contacts.

Build networks within your organisation

Tap into the treasure trove of networking opportunities within your own company. Learn to collaborate and grow through cross-departmental interactions and team alliances. Harness the power of networking within the organisation with case studies.

Maintain meaningful conversations

Hone the art of initiating and maintaining meaningful conversations that lead to authentic connections. Explore strategies for sparking discussions beyond surface-level topics, laying the foundation for deeper relationships.

Develop a personalised networking action plan

Craft a personalised networking action plan that aligns with your style and goals. Develop strategies to seamlessly integrate networking into your professional journey.

Integrate networking into your daily life, even when time is limited

Discover smart strategies to seamlessly weave networking into your daily routine. Learn how to balance your workload and networking efforts through discussions and time-management exercises.

Navigate external networking

Step beyond your company walls and dive into external networking. Shine in industry events, connect with peers, and expand your horizons. Refine your external networking skills through interactive activities, broadening your professional reach.

Build mutually beneficial relationships

Cultivate relationships that offer value to both parties. Learn to provide insights, support, and assistance to your network while reaping the rewards of the relationships you nurture.