Organisational diagnosis and development roadmap

Do the company’s employees truly show commitment and motivation? What changes are necessary for proactive engagement and a corporate culture aligned with values and strategy? Exploring such questions in our organisational development process, we collaborate closely with company leadership and key players. Our aim is to offer personalised approaches to support ongoing growth and adaptability.



Target: Leaders, Employees
Audience: Team, Organization
Workspace: Offline
Duration: N/A

As a result of the process

  • uncover value-creating themes and development opportunities
  • reveal cultural strengths
  • lower turnover and strengthen the company’s retention power
  • establish a development roadmap with clear priorities and responsible parties
  • increase employee commitment and motivation.

Leadership kick-off meeting

Organisational diagnosis defines expected outcomes and collaboration, and focuses on key questions. A leadership kick-off meeting is essential for addressing leaders’ specific survey inquiries, ensuring valuable support and objective process success.

Compiling a feedback document

Interviews and surveys form a detailed report showcasing organisational strengths, challenges and team dynamics. It includes clear answers to focus questions, numerical scales on key dimensions, employee quotes, priorities, consultant summaries, and specific recommendations.

Enhancing organisational growth

Tasks are executed based on diagnosis results and feedback discussions. Firstly, we recommend communicating the diagnosis and planned steps to employees, followed by implementing crucial development programmes (e.g. clarifying roles and responsibilities, defining norms and processes in key areas, clarifying values and goals).


We conduct confidential individual interviews with leadership members and a selected employee sample to gather candid insights. These interviews also serve to communicate the process’ goals and outcomes, fostering positive expectations while reducing uncertainty.

Delivering feedback to the key leaders

Around four weeks after initiating the diagnosis, we plan to hold the first feedback discussion with top leadership using the compiled materials. In this meeting, we’ll review focus points, evaluate data and consultant suggestions, and decide on the next steps.


Surveys quantify employee opinions on organisational aspects. Responses are anonymous and include standard and organisation-specific questions. Standard elements allow benchmarking, while tailored questions address unique leadership challenges.

Action planning workshop

The diagnostic phase ends with a workshop where leadership reviews findings, creating a roadmap. This roadmap outlines priorities for a predictable year ahead, ensuring long-term stability.